Sunday, February 1, 2015

Kent's Birthday Celebration

On February 15th, we are throwing a very special party. We are going to celebrate Kent's, our choir directors, birthday! If you know him, you know how special he is. You know that he has poured his life into the music ministry at St. Bernard's of Clairvaux. 

When I first moved to Arizona, five years ago, I shyly asked the choir director if I could join the Parish Choir. Little did I know that the Sunday I approached him, was the Sunday he began as our Music Director. It seemed as if he had been there for years already.

He wrapped our family in welcoming arms and made sure we felt like we belonged here in Arizona.

In those five years, my children have been involved in Cherubs, Choristers, Teen Schola, and Music Camp. I've been involved in the Parish Choir,Taize, Kent and Friends, and Veritas 124 (the 11am Mass choir). 

I've watched friendships bloom and flourish. I've watched the choir grow and welcome people to our church. I've watched Kent pour hours into searching for the perfect music to go with Sunday's scriptures. I've watched thousands of copies of music be filed and sorted. I've watched Kent handle four year olds with unlimited energy. I've watched Kent play beautiful music for friends who have passed away.

February 15th is a time to stop and say thank you for the gift he is to our Parish.

We promise a great time and lots of laughs! Be sure and join us for this very special day! 

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